Thursday, October 23, 2008


You can't beat free even if it is a student that is going to put a needle in you!


Kar said...

Okay, this is a test to see if Blogger has stopped being a brat...

Kar said...

Hooray! It's working again! Alright. So, my original comment was something along the lines of...are you going to get flu shots, since they're free? I haven't gotten any, and I haven't gotten my kids any. Maybe I should? I just know that they always guess at the strain of flu that will hit everyone in any given year, and they may get it right, and they may get it wrong... so I haven't really pursued flu shots.

. said...

It is fun to read about your happenings. I look forward to reading more and getting to know you better free flu shots for me. I don't do needles or not :)

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