Friday, October 31, 2008


Ok, now I grew up in Ohio, so I am not a stranger to foul language. I understand that it is commonplace in our society these days but I am seriously over it. I sit in my office all day, with the door proped open because I am a friendly type person, and as the high school kids come to and from the classes it is astonding how many times I hear the f word. Seriously, like, every other word. I am not enjoying it!...
...In fact, I just walked out of here and told the professors that they need to talk to their kids cuz I am feed up! They said just let me know and they will write them up and send them back to the high school. Thank heavens for little favors!


Hadlock Hideaway said...

Wait do you work outside of the home now? Have you for a long time and it has just been forever since I talked with you last... like the 4th of July... oh, man.. fill me in!

The Bowldens said...

it doesnt make any sense to me either. i admit i will say it when i am extremely upset and really pissed off, but to say it every other word is a little extreme and i just dont understand it! i am glad you feel the same way

Kar said...

I am so sorry you have to listen to that. I hated that when I taught junior high. I full-on would yell at the kids in the hall if I heard it. They would take the Lord's name in vain in my classroom all the time, and I would yell at them, and they thought I was crazy: "G-- isn't a swear word!" "Well, it is in MY classroom, so don't say it."

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