Sunday, January 4, 2009

2009 Goals

I thought that it would be good to post my goals for the year.  We are writing these down for FHE tomorrow but I thought I would get a jump on them.

Read the scriptures more with my family, my husband and personally.  We, as a family, have actually done better.  We have come leaps and bounds from the months on end of no reading.  Miracles can happen.  We read quite regularly now.  We strive for everyday.

I hereby decree (that is right! decree!) that I will eat better this year!  So there!
I will start off by saying that we had more family home evenings last year than ever.  However, we did not get every week in!  So, this year I would like to have ALL FHEs!
Adam and I both grew up watching television on Sundays.  It has become ridiculous.  I actually enjoy the time that I spend with Adam watching some of our favorite shows....but we have decided that they can wait for another day.  No TV on sundays (including video games and movies!)
As a family we have been doing much better with this one too.  I am going to strive to pray more and to pray with sincere intent.

I have made the decision to spend time working out on a regular basis.  I was coming home everyday from work to have lunch with my husband.  I am going to sacrifice four days away from him to work on myself.Happy New Year!  and may all your righteous desires be granted unto you!


Angie Hermanson said...

You go girl, reach for the stars! You should let us know how you are doing, and any helps you figure out along the way. I have only set one personal goal for the year. I want to read my scriptures daily. Which reminds me...

Kar said...

You are a brave girl. I stopped making resolutions long ago!! I just always aimed wayyyy too high, and then failed miserably. So now I make teeny weeny goals throughout the year. Those are some fantastic goals, Smachie. You are a really good mom.

. said...

GREAT goals for 09! I wish I was bold enough to post mine :)
Great example to ME!

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