Mosiah 2:5-6:
“5 And it came to pass that when they came up to the temple, they pitched their tents round about, every man according to his family, consisting of his wife, and his sons, and his daughters, and their sons, and their daughters, from the eldest down to the youngest, every family being separate one from another.
6 And they pitched their tents round about the temple, every man having his tent with the door thereof towards the temple, that thereby they might remain in their tents and hear the words which king Benjamin should speak unto them.”
As we gather these are my notes from conference - these include the words spoken, my paraphrasing and interpretation. The things that spoke to me. I am so glad for the opportunity to come and listen to a prophets voice.
Dieter F. Uctdorf
Christ's atonement is infinite and eternal
Forgive one another
Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy
Those who pass judgement on others are inexcusable
When the Lord requires for us to forgive all men, that includes ourselves!
Stop it! - apply this to any judgement - replace with a heart full of love!
We are all the children of God, brothers and sisters.
Bumper Sticker "Don't judge me because I sin differently than you!"
We all depend on the mercy of God - don't deny someone the grace that you so much desire for yourself.
Forgive as we wish to be forgiven.
Change our attitude, way of thinking and heart.
This mighty change of Heart is what the gospel is designed to bring about - through the love of God.
As we open our hearts to the love of God, the animosity will fade.
Love your enemies.
Consider the following questions:
Do you harbor a grudge?
Do you gossip?
Do you push away others because of something they have done?
Do you envy?
Do you wish to harm others?
Apply these two words: STOP IT! :)
He that is without sin, let him cast the first stone.
Let us put down the stones, let us let the love of God fill our hearts.
Let us return good for evil.
Overcome evil with good.
Let go of our grievances - it is part of the purpose of this life.
Let go of judgement - let the atonement heal your heart.
Russell M. Nelson
gratitude - everything we have is a gift from our Father in Heaven.
Each organ is a gift from God, the eyes, brain, heart, immune system - what a complicated, wonderful gift the body is.
Aging is provided for us to bring us to death - that we can return to our Father in Heaven. What a joy this can be as we are prepared to meet him.
Thanks be to God for these physical gifts.
The body serves as a tabernacle for the spirit.
Spiritual attributes will be those that we will be judged for. Coupled with our body, the spiritual progress can be made as we take on the ordinances of the Gospel and endure to the end.
The spirit needs nourishment just as the body - the scriptures are given for our growth.
We should be grateful for the spiritual gifts that we receive.
Each day ours is the challenge to access the power of the atonement so that we can truly change.
Thanks be to God for all that we have, both physical and spiritual.
Ronald A. Rasband
Member of the Seventy
Some people come to earth with physical limitations.
With infinite love and everlasting compassion God loves those afflicted and those who care and love for those who are afflicted.
This life is training for eternal exaltation - which means tests and trials and no one is spared.
We can draw on the power of the atonement during trials.
The savior called those that were afflicted in the Americas to him and he healed them.
We all face challenges - we all have afflictions - let us come to Christ and be healed.
Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God.
The Lords angels surround us in the people that are helping us.
If you see someone drowning to ask them if they need help or do you jump in and save them?
Lift the downtrodden.
Though we will face trial and all manner of afflictions, the Savior will always be there for us!
Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
We are all enlisted till the conflict is ore, happy are we, happy are we.
Bear nobly our burdens and reach out to those who are suffering.
Julie B. Beck
The purposes of Relief Society are to increase faith, family and
The relief society is divinely ordained of God.
RS is not a program.
Relief Society brings relief of all kinds - to bring peace and joy.
Leave the world - eliminate traditions, themes, fads and trends.
RS is an important part of the restoration of the gospel.
Daughters of my kingdom - patterns and examples of women that stand steadfast in the gospel.
There is a power in RS, once the men and women catch that vision peace will come.
The women of the church we be seen in distinct happy ways when compared to those of the world.
The future of the RS is filled with promise, it will enlarge. As you will share in these labors, you too will share in the triumph of this work!
D. Todd Christofferson
Revelation is received by the prophet from the Lord.
The same patterns that were present in the church of old is present today - the objective is not consensus among counselors but revelation from God. Not all statements made by leaders are meant to be taken as official church doctrine. Seek through prayer and study of scriptures guidance, repent and follow the laws and covenants of the gospel.
Thomas S. Monson
Eternal Truths - those that will enrich our lives and see us safely home.
Everywhere we look people are in a hurry! Millions of people are moving, rushing about, doing the business of the day.
Do we pause for thoughts of meditation?
Daily questions seem to loose their significance when crisis strikes.
If we were to be faced with our mortality would we change the things that we find most precious?
Where your treasure is - there will your hearts be also.
Some questions transcend mortality and embrace eternity - where do we come from? Why are we here?
Our birth is but a sleep, a forgetting...
How grateful we should be for the veil of forgetfulness so that we can have the opportunity to prove ourselves - for all that God has prepared for us to receive.
We are privileged to choose for ourselves. We discern between good and evil.
We discover there are consequences to our actions.
Life moves forward, relentlessly. We need to reach heavenward for assistance.
Heavenly Father and Jesus have marked the path to perfection.
Let us run with patience the race that is set before us.
The race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong, actually the prize belongs to him ...
Small carved crafts of childhood - took the path of least resistance.
We however have been given a power to think, to reason and to achieve. The Lord provided us with guidance to ensure our safe return: prayer, Holy Ghost, scriptures.
Every thoughtful person has asked "When a man die, shall he live again?"
Death comes to all.
We know that death is not the end - it has been taught throughout the ages, and is included in our holy scriptures.
It is celestial glory that we seek - it is presence with the Lord, an eternal family.
A life of searching, seeking, repenting and finally receiving.
The Master speaks to all, Come Unto Me!
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