Friday, February 20, 2009

The Power of Prayer

So I have been researching everything that I could get my hands on about charter schools and home schooling. I wanted to be prepared when I went to the Lord with what we should do for our kids with their education. We (Adam and I) have been praying and earnestly asking what we should be doing. Anyways, we were leaning towards homeschooling at least Andrew. We worry about the middle school aged kids and what their influence might be on our beautiful little boy - ok, not so little anymore ;)
Well, we went to Stake Conference and OH MY was SO good. I just couldn't get enough. Well, anyways, as Adam sat in the priesthood leadership session - one of the speakers read the scripture - one we have all heard so many times - "Let your light so shine...." you know the one! Well, as he sat there pondering the scripture a whole new meaning jumped out to him - regarding our children and their education. He was revealed that our children represented that light, and that perhaps homeschooling was "putting our light (or our children) under a bushel." I have never thought of it that way. Our children have been reserved for this time. They are strong spirits that can withstand everything that will come their way! If we teach them and help them understand the gospel then they will not be tempted beyond what they can handle! Perhaps our little lights are needed during this time, to stand as an example of truth and righteousness to those in our community and in the world. Can we, in good concious, "hide" them?
It was a strong impression that came to my husband and when he told me I instantly felt the spirit and knew that it was inspiration from the Lord. I am so grateful that my husband was in tune to the spirit and could relay the message to me - and I am glad that I didn't brush it aside. FEAR NOT! Gaurd your children in the armour of God and have them stand tall with my children. We will be at Appleby, the Jr. High or wherever the district decides to put us!


The Teagan Times said...

I love that you posted this because we have also been praying about it and I wasn't feeling strongly that I should homeschool. Although "I" wanted to homeschool Teagan that wasn't the feeling I was getting back from my prayers. I decided last week that I would just let him choose. Not a normal thing for me. I mean he is six. When I told him that he decided he wanted to go to school. It was sort of a wait and see for us because I knew if you guys were homeschooling then he might change his mind. Apparently our kids are needed right where they are. I'll just have to work on my annoyance with the district and the state of California. Love you Rachel. Hey I'm sorry I missed your text the other day. My phone was at the church for a week and a half. It would have been fun to go to the park.

B.T.B.B. said...

You guys are such awesome parents that all will be well! Your children do have a light and I am glad that we've been touched by it.

Kar said...

What an amazing experience. I love the Holy Ghost. I agree with you - you can't protect them forever. If you teach them well at home through FHE and through your righteousness, they will grow in their testimonies and be able to withstand everything the world throws at them.

Erica said...

I am so glad that you shared this. I love hearing about people's experiences with the promptings of the Spirit. Thank you for being such a good example by adhereing to the prompting. You guys are awesome! Love you so much and thanks for being so wonderful!

Angie Hermanson said...

Thank you for sharing your light with me. We already talked about it, but I just wanted to tell you again that I appreciate your friendship. And it looks like the schools are going K-6. Can't wait til you are home again! And congratulations on the science fair, and Kim loved her poem and posted it on her blog with an appropriate photo. You can link through my blog- it's Peachesncreamjellybean.

The Teagan Times said...

I'm commenting to request an update on your family. How are you guys doing? Hope to see you tomorrow Rachel. Love Ya!

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