Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Mom, I accidently hit my brother in the face with my fist...
Mom, I accidently opened the bag of candy and ate three pieces...
Mom, I accidently turned the tv on...


Why is it that kids can just make up new meanings to words and just hope that we think it still means the same thing?

Mom, I "accidently" hit my brother in the face with my fist but I hope that if I use the word accidently you won't see through the fact that it was completely on purpose and with vengance...

yep, that sounds better.


Hadlock Hideaway said...

LOL, this had me laughing so hard. Lately for my kid it's been that they "made" him do it. Like he "made" me hit him... lol.

Kar said...

Hahaha! Oh, that is so funny!! That's like Dylan, who says that Sadie punched him, but she's the one crying. Yeah right, Dylan.

The Teagan Times said...

I want to do that too! I'm sorry officer I accidently ran over that pedestrian. What I said accidently?! Love the pics of the family on the side. When Ian gets back into town I think we should set a date to get together. I got American Idol 2. Fun! Fun!

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